Phone Box Thursday: Norwegian Red

An interlude today! Normally I only focus on classic red K-series British phone boxes (because I’m less interested in the KX-series boxes that came in from the mid-1980s onwards), but I had read about Norway’s equivalent while preparing for my trip last week, and was delighted to come across a Norwegian red phone box when Geth and I were exploring the museum district.

Norwegian red phone box
Norwegian red phone box, Huk Aveny, Oslo, 18th June 2022.

(Coordinates 59°90’43.5″N, 10°68’63.2″E.)

Phone boxes in Norway generally seem to be treated with a bit more care than they are here, and there was an interesting plaque inside this one explaining the history of this series of boxes:

Phone box plaque

Like many village boxes in the UK, this box is used as a book exchange:

Book exchange
‘Ta en bok – gi en bok’

Still a phone inside as well!

An interesting wee example.

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