Here’s one that Mum and Dad found at the fossil museum in Orkney!
(Coordinates 58°85’82.1″N, 2°91’11.3″W.)
It’s in the yard of the museum, which perhaps makes it an exhibit!
One more from Orkney next week.
Here’s one that Mum and Dad found at the fossil museum in Orkney!
(Coordinates 58°85’82.1″N, 2°91’11.3″W.)
It’s in the yard of the museum, which perhaps makes it an exhibit!
One more from Orkney next week.
A slightly tatty one from Orkney today.
(Coordinates 59°06’17.5″N, 3°02’10.3″W.)
This one has no door (though it did a couple of years previously, as can be seen in the Street View image linked above). It could do with a bit of TLC, but it does have a phone in!
We’re still in Orkney (there is a Twatt in Shetland too!).
(Coordinates 59°09’80.4″N, 3°27’47.0″W.)
Another fairly rural box that still has a phone in!
Here’s another phone box from Mum and Dad’s Orkney trip.
(Coordinates 58°96’88.9″N, 3°22’90.7″W.)
This is another one that still has its phone in, which appears to be common in Orkney!
Here’s one that Mum and Dad found in rural Orkney.
(Coordinates 58°92’96.2″N, 2°76’28.1″W.)
It’s a bit tatty but it does have a phone in! Most likely because it’s in the middle of nowhere.
Here’s one that Mum and Dad found among the warren-like streets of Kirkwall!
(Coordinates 58°98’37.3″N, 2°95’77.3″W.)
Apparently this one was quite popular with the German tourists that day! It also still has a phone in.
Always nice to see one alongside a postbox.
(Can I make the ‘Phone Boxing Day’ joke again? Yes? Yes? No?*)
We’re still in Orkney, and here’s one outside a seemingly-closed post office.
(Coordinates 58°89’57.5″N, 2°91’50.7″W.)
This one does have a phone in! However, Dad notes that yet again, it was not listed on the Ordnance Survey map. This seems to be a theme for this part of northern Scotland.
*Either way, apparently whenever Boxing Day falls on a Thursday, I end up doing a post about a phone box outside a post office in the Northern Isles…
We’re now in Orkney thanks to Mum and Dad’s travels.
(Coordinates 58°84’44.9″N, 2°91’67.0″W.)
We’re back to the interesting phone box re-uses! This one is a stall for selling veg – tomatoes and cucumbers. It doesn’t appear to be manned so perhaps it works on an honesty system?
Again, this one wasn’t marked on the Ordnance Survey map.
Here’s another one from the most northerly area of Scotland.
(Coordinates 58°62’25.6″N, 3°34’27.3″W.)
This is another one that still has a phone in – remote area and poor mobile signal again, most likely.
Dad tends to check the Ordnance Survey map for signs of phone boxes when travelling. This one wasn’t on there for some reason…
Here’s another one that Mum and Dad found en route to Orkney earlier this year.
(Coordinates 58°63’84.0″N, 3°16’95.7″W.)
This one is next to a bus stop and a postbox. It still has a phone inside, which is a little more common in remote areas of Scotland due to poorer mobile signal.