A special milestone run this morning…
…and then I had a fairly light day workwise, as I’d worked quite hard over the weekend getting Goblin Quest finished and released, and there was a lot of stuff going on today. Geth had some highly-anticipated (and highly-worried-about) work meetings related to his upcoming career trajectory, and we were also waiting to hear about some important news from his side of the family. I can’t talk too much on here about what’s going on, but I am ending today with a hopeful feeling, which is about as much as I can ask for.
I’ve been doing some initial prep for the next game I’ll be working on, and will hopefully get some more done tomorrow, but on the whole I’m having a (deliberately) slow start to the week. I’ll get back into things properly in a few days’ time.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Lady Gaga – ‘Bad Romance’
Ta Mara & The Seen – ‘Affection’
Michael Land – ‘Monkey Island Main Theme’
Michael Land – ‘LeChuck’s Theme’
The Wonder Stuff – ‘Don’t Let Me Down, Gently’