Bit of a sluggish day today – it’s been one of those grey and wet ‘lights on all day’ November days, which always puts my brain into evening mode before it’s evening – but despite the rain I am looking forward to getting out to my Pilates class later this afternoon. Gradually doing the last-ish of my Christmas shopping as well, which is always a cheering experience.
Tag: British Weather
Sunday in
Wet Sunday afternoon so glad to be indoors. Short run this morning and now a nice quiet afternoon getting on with things in the house.
Also currently being sat on by next door’s cat as he sneaked in earlier and I don’t have the heart to put him out in the rain! Will keep an eye out for a break in the weather.
Getting settled
We’ve definitely come back to cooler weather. Even needing a couple of hours of heating on here and there! I am happiest in these mid-range temperatures though, and I feel like I can settle now. Gradually doing all the post-travel sorting out this week and getting things ready for the happy autumn ahead.
New Monkey Island game out now (it was released yesterday evening) so I’m just quickly finishing off my marathon of the previous games. Should be delving into the new one tonight!
The thunderstorm finally arrived
I was disappointed a few weeks ago when the weather forecast promised some thunderstorms that did not materialise. Some more were promised today and did arrive this time. The thunder and lightning hasn’t been hugely impressive (though there has been a bit!) but it’s good to get the air cleared.
I was also able to get out for today’s short run while it was still sunny, so can now enjoy the storm from indoors.
Another fairly intense day with work but we’re getting there.
Waiting for the storm
The weatherfolks have been predicting thunderstorms here this evening and I am excited. I’m done with the recent humid weather and looking forward to a few cooler days (especially now that it’s the sharp end of GNR training and I’m trying to get some longer runs in without having to tap out like I did yesterday).
Lots to do workwise this week as well so it’d be good not to be distracted by muggy weather.
It’s still hot
We’re well into August and I’m usually a bit sick of summer by now, but this year I’m quite enjoying it, probably because the weather has been nice. It’s been a little too hot when out running but it’s really lovely to sit in the house with the windows open and the sunshine coming in.
Plans for the weekend are (a) running and (b) lounging around.
Wanderings in southwest Scotland
We had a good wander today with Mum and Dad, visiting Torbridge Stone Circle, Druchtag Motte, St Ninian’s Cave and Isle of Whithorn. We even found a previously-unfound red phone box for my collection!

Lovely day for it and it looks like we might have good weather back at home as well. Heading back tomorrow.
Feeling a bit ‘weekday’
A day of mugginess, work, the soundtrack of Geth playing videogames and being a cat bed for next door’s cat. Feeling a bit out of sorts at the moment, which always tends to happen at this point in the summer.
On the plus side, I managed a run longer than a mile this morning, which is something! I’m still feeling a bit fatigued in that respect but the run did feel nice.