Two vintage fairs on in Newcastle today, both kilo sales. I have discovered that kilo sales are my new favourite thing.

I managed to get eight items of clothing for the price I would usually pay for two or three at a vintage fair, so I feel like I got some great bargains today!
I went to Worth The Weight Kilo Sale at the Civic Centre first. I’d managed to get a limited edition free entry ticket when they’d advertised them on Facebook, which meant more money for clothes! I’d intended to stick to lightweight dresses and blouses to try and get my money’s worth, and for the large part I stuck to that plan, but I couldn’t resist one jumper. I do love an ’80s jumper! At £15 per kilo, my 1.4 kilos came in at £21, which is not bad for a jumper, two dresses, and two blouses.
I then headed over to The Vintage Kilo Sale at Northumbria Student Union, which turned out to be the right way round to do things – by the time I got there it was past noon, which meant both discounted entry (£1.50 rather than £3) and discounted stock (£10 per kilo rather than £15!). This meant that I only had to pay £10 for my exactly-a-kilo haul of two dresses and a blouse.
Both fairs had a really good selection of late 20th century vintage (’70s to ’90s, mostly), which meant that my ’80s vintage wardrobe has grown significantly today. I’m already looking forward to when the next kilo sale rolls into town, and will be keeping my eyes peeled on Facebook!