Filling the space

I did another 10k this morning…

…and managed a similar pace to Saturday, which I was very pleased about! I feel as though my daily training since the start of the year has sped me up in what seems to be a permanent way. I’ll just keep plugging away and see what happens.

I have most definitely filled up the routine extra time afforded by the lockdown now, to the extent that I’m not sure how I’m going to go back to regular life when this is all over. I’ve written before about how it’s going to be a slow process out of lockdown for me – I won’t just be jumping back into a routine of multiple classes and groups and meetups per week, because I think I would find that overwhelming. But the thing is that I’m not sure I ever want to go back to that busy routine. All of the individual things were meant to be fun, but taken together, they made life a bit stressful. As such, I think there are things to which I won’t be returning – things I’m going to have to learn to let go of. I don’t know which things yet. The only thing I know I will definitely be going back to post-lockdown is parkrun – it’s free of charge, it’s helpful for my running improvement, and I love it to death.

In short, my big takeaway from this year is that there’s no point spending time and money on things that cause me stress, just because I feel that it’s something I SHOULD do. As such, I’ve stopped buying all the magazines I’m not getting round to reading, including breaking my decade-plus streak of buying Doctor Who Magazine (that was a wrench… but I’ve just not had time for Who fandom for a good two or three years. I haven’t even watched the most recent series yet, which would have been unthinkable when I was in my twenties). I no longer attend every vintage fair in Newcastle just because it’s on (this is something I discussed in my personal style post the other day). I stopped going to Pilates and dance classes last year – I enjoy those things, but they’re just not a priority for me any more.

Learning to let go is something I’ve always found difficult, and something I discussed a lot in my counselling sessions earlier this year. I am a consummate hoarder, not just of physical possessions but also of memories and identities and personal connections.

(If somebody de-friends me on Facebook, I hold a grudge like you would not believe – because why would we want to lose each other from our collection of contacts? Collections are to be grown, not ‘culled’! We may not have anything in common now, but we did once, and why would you want to move on from that? Why would you want to let go?)

My identity as a Doctor Who fan is one of those things I’m struggling to let go of, hence why I am trying not to think about having broken my magazine-buying streak. My identity as a goth is another. I became goth in my teens, made all my university friends and met my future husband in the goth and rock society, spent my twenties in various states of consciousness at goth clubs and gigs and festivals, and then… I last went to a scene event in August 2018. I only still wear my old goth band t-shirts and hoodies because they’re comfortable. It’s been years since I last listened to the music – I prefer ’80s pop and soundtracks and synthwave now. I got sober, and so I don’t really like spending time in pubs and clubs anymore, and I think it’ll be some time before I can brave a festival again.

‘You do still wear a lot of black, though,’ my counsellor said when I mentioned this to her. I suppose I do – some habits are hard to break, and it’s a practical colour. It’s just… I just don’t feel drawn to that particular aesthetic anymore, and while I’ve still got a lot of friends in the scene, I don’t see myself wanting to go back to the events, and I don’t think I can really call myself ‘goth’ these days, and I’m not sure I want to.

Accepting that fact requires a big shift in thinking, though. Just like accepting that these days I’m a casual Doctor Who viewer at best, and accepting that there are some old acquaintances I’m never going to see or speak to again (and that I probably won’t miss them), and accepting that I really need to chuck out those manky old Ikea cushions I’ve been hanging onto since 2002.

I’ve never yet been capable of making that big shift in thinking. But it’s becoming more and more apparent to me that it’s a necessary process.

I’m videogaming again tonight. In recent months I’ve occasionally felt a bit sheepish about mentioning that every day – like it’s a bit sad to be spending all my time videogaming, even if lockdown does provide me with the perfect excuse. But it’s what makes me happy at the moment, and that’s all that matters.

Newcastle Town Moor
I ran on the Town Moor today for the first time since the final pre-lockdown parkrun. It felt strange, even though I’ve often done solo runs there before. While I was enjoying parkrun touristing in the months before coronavirus happened, I think that I will be back at my home parkrun on the Moor when it’s time for the great parkrun return.

Today’s earworm playlist:

Yasunori Mitsuda – ‘Where It All Began’
Nina Nesbitt – ‘Stay Out’

New Year’s Resolutions 2019: the outcome

So, on the 1st of January 2019, I wrote a post about all my resolutions for the year. Let’s see how those turned out…

February 2019
Some winter snow in February.

1. Finish sorting out the house contents.

Uh… not a good start to the list. I don’t think I got anything done in this area. It’s now a resolution for 2020, and apparently one that I need to prioritise.

2. Write 500,000 words in 2019…

I absolutely smashed this one, writing approximately 875,000 words in 2019.

3. …and edit and pitch all the words I’ve already written.

I pitched my 2011 middle grade/young adult novel to twenty more agents, and none of them bit, though a couple did say they liked it. I also submitted poetry and short stories to a lot of magazines and competitions – again there was no success there. I just have to keep trying in 2020. I’ve already identified the novel project I’m going to be pitching this next year, and it should be in a submittable state by the spring.

4. Take weekends off.

Hahaha! Well, I’ve been slightly more successful than usual in not doing day job work at weekends, but only slightly. Writing and admin is another story – the to-do list just slips and slips and slips throughout the week and it’s never all done by Friday. I’m not really sure if this is something that can ever be changed.

5. Buy fewer clothes.

I was pretty successful in this area! I only bought stuff I actually needed (well, maybe the Duran Duran t-shirts weren’t exactly necessary, but they’re very nice). I don’t even feel the need to go out to every single vintage fair anymore.

6. Run a marathon.

Done and dusted! Of course, circumstances conspired to ensure that I’ll be doing it a second time in 2020…

7. Perform some of my poetry in public.

I was convinced that this one wouldn’t happen, but it did – eight times! I don’t even feel nervous about doing it anymore, which would have seemed totally impossible to me this time last year.

8. Get sober.

I got sober on the 5th of January 2019, and so I am very nearly at my one-year anniversary. While I’m very proud of myself for getting this far, I recognise that sobriety is a lifelong process, and so I can’t get complacent about it or think that the work is done. I’ll continue to utilise the great online and offline support communities that I’ve found, and to take more care of my own mental health.

9. Get back into the habit of music practice.

Rather optimistically, I thought I’d be able to make a multi-instrumentalist of myself in 2019. I’ve only really had time for my ukulele, but I’m really pleased with how it’s gone. I’ve done three terms of classes at the Sage Gateshead, moving from the absolute beginner to the beginner to the intermediate class, and with the intermediate class I really feel that I’ve found my level. Looking forward to class starting again next week! I also love that I can just find tabs online and teach myself new songs.

10. Actually play some videogames.

This didn’t really happen until about September, but I have been able to get some decent videogaming time in during the last few months of the year. It’s something I love, and I have lots of new ones to play, so hopefully there’ll be even more of this in 2020!

Plus some unexpected bonus achievements…

The first unexpected thing I did this year was buying my car in May and properly getting back into driving again! I’d been meaning to buy a car for years, but I’d been hugely procrastinating about it because it seemed so complicated and I’d always been such a nervous driver before. Having a calmer temperament now that I’m sober has really helped with my driving, and I feel much more confident about it now that I’m getting so much practice in.

The second was starting to learn to code in the autumn. It had always been something I was interested in, due to my twin loves of retro stuff and videogames, but it was only this year that I finally got into it thanks to some of the ’80s Twitter accounts I follow discussing the Adventuron system (for creating illustrated ’80s-style text adventure games) in August. I was able to take part in a couple of game jams in the autumn and improve my game development skills, and I even wrote an Adventuron game for NaNoWriMo (or half of one, anyway – I’ll be finishing it in the first part of 2020, along with a few other games I have ideas for). I also started learning to program in BASIC in preparation for getting the BBC Micro up and running again. I have a lot more coding goals for the next year, but I’ll discuss those in detail in my New Year Resolutions 2020 post tomorrow!

Always out and about

I’ve not had a lot of time for running over the last couple of weeks, but for the last few days, I’ve certainly been getting my daily step goal met! I doubled it between yesterday’s parkrun and dancing to Adam Ant last night, and tonight Geth and I were back at the Sage Gateshead to see Shakespear’s Sister – a slightly more sedate gig but still a very enjoyable one! I also managed to fit in a vintage fair trip today, which was fairly successful.

I had originally planned to go to Manchester tomorrow to see a talk at the Central Library, but given that I’ve had zero time for NaNoWriMo the last few days, it’s sadly looking unlikely. I think I’ll be having a quiet day with my project (and my text adventure updates) instead!

Judy's Vintage Fair hand stamp
Not an OOTD: it’s a bit faded now, but I do like the hand stamp you get at Judy’s Vintage Fairs.

Today’s earworm playlist:

The Midnight – Shadows In The City
Adam & The Ants – Antmusic
Kygo and Whitney Houston – Higher Love
The Knack – My Sharona
Shakespear’s Sister – Stay

Vintage fair haul: Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair

For various reasons I haven’t been able to get to a vintage fair for a couple of months, but today I finally had the opportunity again! Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair was on at the Boiler Room in Newcastle, so I headed down to see if I could find a few things on my list.

Vintage fair haul
L-R: jumper, jacket, jumper. Nicely set up for the winter!

I found the denim jacket I’d been looking for – I’m looking forward to customising it with my badge collection when I have some time (so 2021 maybe? 2022?) – plus a couple more cosy ’80s jumpers for the winter (only £10 each!). My work-from-home uniform at the moment tends to be leggings plus oversized vintage jumper, so I wanted to grab a few more. I’ve also been having a think about selling some of the clothes I never wear (both to make some space in my wardrobe and to make a bit of extra cash), so I’m going to be investigating sites like Etsy to see if setting up a small online shop would be worthwhile.

There’s a lot more vintage fairs on over the next couple of months, so maybe I’ll be able to squeeze in one or two more before the end of 2019!

Now!…but actually next week

There’s a new Now! album out today, which is always exciting. Unfortunately I’ve been travelling for the last couple of days and haven’t had time to prepare a review! The review will be posted next Friday instead.

Geth and I went to Manchester yesterday as we had tickets to see the Midnight at the Albert Hall. It was an amazing gig, made even better by the venue layout (we were able to watch the band from right above the stage!). I know I keep saying this about every gig, but it really was one of the best ones I’ve seen this year. I’ll be catching up with a few gig reviews from the last few weeks very soon!

Back in Newcastle today. Geth is out boardgaming tonight (there’s a new Keyforge release today so he’ll be at tournaments all weekend), so I’m having a quiet evening watching Christmas cookery shows and planning out a few updates for my most recent text adventure game.

It’s going to be a busy weekend with a few more gigs and hopefully a vintage fair trip!

Food Network Christmas shows
Not an OOTD: I haven’t even eaten meat for over twenty years, but every year I put these cookery shows on and watch in fascination as TV chefs spend hours making these incredibly complicated-looking Christmas roasts.

Today’s earworm playlist:

The Midnight – Gloria
Tyler Lyle – Lost And Found (The Midnight Remix)
The Midnight – Days Of Thunder
A-ha – Hunting High And Low
The Midnight – Lost Boy
A-ha – Take On Me
Eisenfunk – Pong
Michael Land – LeChuck’s Theme
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Locomotion

What goes up must come down

Post-GNR parkrun this morning was highly successful! I managed to hang onto the pacers long enough to get my best time of the year: 31:36. The autumn project will be to get back down to sub-30!

Geth and I stopped at Sainsbury’s on the way home, which was the point when I decided it was time to have another go at owning a basil plant…which may be a mistake. We’ll just have to see how long I can keep this one going.

I then went into town for a trip to the much-anticipated vintage fair, followed by some slightly more boring shopping for leggings in Primark. I had planned to follow this with a wander round GAME in an attempt to get some Streetpass hits on my 3DS – but sadly I found that the GAME in central Newcastle has actually been shut down since June. There’s a lot of hints on their Twitter page that a replacement store will be opening at some point, but until then I will have to trek to Sunderland if I want to browse through videogames in a physical shop!

However, today’s slightly strange highlight was finding a PANDORA clip charm that I thought I’d lost. Back in April, on the train back from London after the marathon, I noticed that one of the clip charms was missing from my bracelet, and assumed I must have lost it in London over the weekend at some point. However, I was clearly mistaken, as this evening it showed up on the floor of the garage in front of the freezer. It’s a bit bashed up, so it must have been getting kicked around in there for a while without us noticing – and I don’t actually need it as a clip anymore, because I bought a replacement shortly after it went missing – but it’s nice to find that I didn’t lose it after all! I’ll polish it up at some point, but for now it’s very happily back on my bracelet as a regular charm.

A quieter day tomorrow, which will probably involve a lot of videogaming!

OOTD 14th September 2019
OOTD: vintage meets gothy all-black 🙂 Rinascimento (vintage 1980s, bought at vintage fair 2019), skirt H&M (thrifted from Steff 2016), tights Primark (2017), boots Primark (2017).

Today’s earworm playlist:

Mark Knopfler – Local Hero
ABC – All Of My Heart
Vanessa Paradis – Joe Le Taxi
Boyzone – Coming Home Now

Vintage fair haul: Lou Lou’s Newcastle Vintage Fair

As I may have mentioned once or twice this week, today I was able to go to a vintage fair for the first time since February! It was nice to walk through the doors of the Civic Centre again, hear the ’50s pastiche performers singing and look wistfully at all the delicious cake that I never have enough syns left over for.

I just bought one piece today, as I’m still sticking to my clothes shopping limit for 2019 after the post-weight-loss-free-for-all that was 2018. It’s something I’ve been looking for at the last few fairs but not managed to find until now – a comfy casual ’80s day dress. This one is perfect for winter as it’s made out of wool and sequins and looks like an ’80s jumper…except it’s a dress!

Vintage '80s dress
All the sequins!

(The lady at the stall asked if I was going to take the shoulder pads out. Uh, NO.)

I also priced the denim jackets that were available, as that’s going to be my purchase at the next vintage fair – I’m looking for a good quality vintage jacket (preferably in stonewashed denim for that late ’80s vibe). The stalls today had all sorts available – some repurposed with designs on the back, some sold as original – so I expect there’ll be a similarly good selection at the next fair. Which is next weekend! I’m excited already.

That Friday feeling

I’ve spent all day doing editing work for clients, but I am done now and looking forward to the weekend! Going to have a relaxing evening with my videogames, then tomorrow Geth and I will be at parkrun early for the traditional Newcastle parkrun Great North Run t-shirts photo. Then there’s a vintage fair in town (I could not be more excited – haven’t been to one since February), and I will be meeting up with Geth after his Open Day work duties to do some more regular high street shopping as well!

Hoping to get some writing in this weekend as well. Should be a good one!

Autumn leaves
Not an OOTD: the trees in Gosforth are turning beautifully. Nice to get out for a brief walk this morning as well.

Today’s earworm playlist:

Duran Duran – Friends Of Mine
Koji Kondo – Super Mario Bros. Theme
Kelly Rowland – Stole
Spandau Ballet – Gold
Anne-Marie – 2002
Pet Shop Boys – On Social Media
Trevor Something – Miami Nights

Getting there

I’ve had a good productive day catching up with a lot of the admin tasks that I’ve been falling behind with over the summer. I’m very nearly caught up with everything – fingers crossed for next week.

Geth is still away at his conference so I’m just curling up with videogames again this evening. A busy day tomorrow, and then I can enjoy the weekend (there may be a vintage fair for me to go to for the first time in seven months!).

OOTD 12th September 2019
OOTD: IT’S ’80S JUMPER SEASON AGAIN I AM SO HAPPY. Jumper unknown brand (vintage 1980s, bought at vintage fair 2017), skirt H&M (thrifted from Steff 2016), tights Primark (2017), shoes BHS (2016).

Today’s earworm playlist:

Michael Land – Woodtick
Lana Del Rey – Video Games
Duran Duran – A View To A Kill
Duran Duran – Hungry Like The Wolf
Jane Wiedlin – Rush Hour
Timecop1983 and The Bad Dreamers – Back To You
Arcadia – Say The Word
Heaven 17 – Come Live With Me
Bill Withers – Ain’t No Sunshine

Vintage fair haul: Lou Lou’s Newcastle Vintage Fair

There were two vintage fairs going on in town today – there was also a kilo sale going on at Northumbria SU – but as I’m limiting myself to just one or two pieces per vintage fair day at the moment, I thought it’d be a bit of a waste to go to the kilo sale, so I stuck to Lou Lou’s at the Civic Centre. One piece only today – adding to my vintage ’80s jumper collection!

Vintage fair haul
New ’80s jumper. I love the snowflake pattern!

It’s a good time of year for vintage fairs, so I should be able to collect a few more jumpers and other things over the next couple of months!