It is New Year! I am continuing to enjoy quiet festive time with my family. Dad made his traditional Hogmanay pizza last night and is making his traditional Lancashire hotpot for New Year’s Day tea tonight. Life is good.
This year’s New Year Resolutions:
- House stuff and decluttering 1: wear (or get rid of) (or both) every item in my wardrobe, with possible allowed keepsake exceptions such as my wedding dress. Clothes are the biggest decluttering target for me.
- House stuff and decluttering 2: paint at least one room.
- Rollover from last year 1: finish at least one of my longstanding unfinished game projects.
- Running 1: do better in races than last year. This is a fairly low bar to clear.
- Running 2: run more races than last year. I miss 10ks.
- Running 3 and rollover from last year 2: take part in parkrun every possible parkrunday. I’m not intending to travel to any non-parkrun countries so it should be doable if I’m lucky with health and weather.
- Rollover from last year 3: catch up with Doctor Who.
- Rollover from last year 4 and the most important on the list: prioritise videogaming.
I made the list shorter (and easier) this year in the hope I’ll get more of it done!
P.S. Happy birthday blog! It’s been five years since my first post. I’m no longer blogging daily, but still at least twice per week, and I think the blog will be better in 2023 as a result.