Very nearly have three rooms upstairs finally!

There’s still a lot of bits and pieces to do upstairs, but I’m getting there. 95% of the stuff is now living where it’s going to be living over the weekend while we have visitors.  I also made a good start on downstairs today, and things are starting to look a lot better.

Including this candelabrum, for which I have finally found a good place after carting it round several houses. It would look even better if that tiny blue flame on the front candle would perk up a bit.

I’ve got a bit of time tomorrow and then most of Friday to finish off.  It’s just small jobs left to do now so I feel a lot better about the house in general.  Slimming World weigh-in tomorrow is another matter – after the (necessary but heavy) carbathon at the weekend I’m kind of dreading it!

OOTD 12th September 2018
OOTD: Geth’s comment was ‘I’m sure there’s a picture of my mother looking like that in the ’80s’. Jumper Faber (vintage 1980s, bought at vintage fair 2018), leggings Primark (2018), boots Carefree (2017).

Today’s earworm playlist:

The Reynolds Girls – I’d Rather Jack
Genesis – Land Of Confusion
Five Star – System Addict
Duran Duran – New Moon On Monday

And a bonus track that Geth was humming earlier:

Elton John – Kiss The Bride

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