Stuff I like about my parents’ house #1: Rarities of Chinese Painting poster

This poster has been in the house for as long as I can remember…

Rarities of Chinese Painting poster
Poster from the Rarities of Chinese Painting exhibition at the Talbot Rice gallery in September 1984.

…which makes sense, given that the exhibition took place a few months before I was born.  The poster used to hang on the wall, but as Mum and Dad’s book collection has expanded, that wall space has been taken over by bookshelves, hence the poster being moved to the window shutters.

Given that the big work project I just finished a couple of weeks ago was on the subject of art in Edinburgh, I’m interested to see that the Talbot Rice gallery has been going for some time.  No Edinburgh Art Festival back then, either – it all seems to have been under the banner of the International Festival.

I’ve always liked this poster – the black leaves are really pretty, and remind me of the numerous houseplants we used to have in the family home before they all died.  The ’80s lettering on the poster is just a bonus!

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