Snow day!

It snowed overnight, which cemented my decision not to leave the house today (I need to go to the hospital for some hearing aid admin, but that can definitely wait till next week). Having looked at the weather forecast, Geth and I decided this morning that parkrun will also be a no-go for us tomorrow (and in fact it’s just been announced that Newcastle parkrun won’t even be on), which means two glorious days of hermit living in a row!

This meant I got lots of editing done today, as well as a good chunk of ukulele practice. Our latest song from class is a bit of a step up technique-wise, so I need to have a good few goes at it this week.

More quality time with my sofa tomorrow.

OOTD 1st February 2019
OOTD: just a selfie today ’cause I’m not going out in that snow! T-shirt Gildan for Infest (2015), mohair blanket unknown brand (gift from Dad 2002).

Today’s earworm playlist:

Haircut 100 – Love Plus One
Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan – Especially For You
Duran Duran – Hungry Like The Wolf
Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus – Nothing Breaks Like A Heart
Dire Straits – Romeo And Juliet

And a bonus track that Geth was humming earlier:

Pinkfong – Baby Shark

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