This phone box sits outside ‘The Misty Bottle’ off-licence and mostly seems to provide décor for the shop. A notice inside informs us that during the COVID-19 lockdowns it was in service as a ‘phood box’ for community exchange of food supplies.
Dad reports an intact phone in this one, which suggests either the locality’s mobile signal is patchy or the council haven’t bothered getting rid of it yet!
The Saturday before last, being home in Newcastle for the first time in a few weeks, I went to Denton Dene for the third time. Based on previous runs there I was expecting to run about 25 minutes, but surprised myself with an all-time PB – 23:26! I wasn’t even concentrating on time during the run, I just knew I was on for first lady and was trying not to let the second lady catch up with me! Really pleased as that is not an easy course. I did suffer a bit with my asthma for the rest of the day though – my lungs worked really hard for that one!
With various Benchies and other friends after the run. Photo from Alice at TMBR.
Went for a slightly steadier effort at Leazes this past Saturday – managed a good solid 24:29, which was still a course PB by a few seconds. I found it quite busy, but I’m sure it’ll return to normal once Town Moor returns next week. No photo as I forgot to take one.
Still to decide on my parkrun venue for this coming Saturday!