I’ve shared this pixel phone box before, but I thought it was appropriate for a day when I’m scrabbling to complete and release a game! Even though I haven’t done pixel art for this particular game…
Back to the real-life boxes next week.
Another nice productive game-making day (and also a new Monkey Island trailer, which I was very happy about). The amount of work still to do over the next couple of days feels a little bit overwhelming, but I’m getting through the list fairly quickly so hopefully it will all get done.
Enjoying catching up with various triathlon and athletics coverage on the iPlayer in the evenings this week. It’s very good background noise for when I’m fiddling with code!
I’ve got a lot of game-making to finish off before game submission night on Thursday, but today was great and I got a lot done and I’m hopeful things will continue to go swimmingly over the next three days. I’ve been working on this game on and off since the end of February and I’m really excited to get it finished!
Back in Newcastle – again! – after a weekend visiting the in-laws. For the next four days, I will be almost totally focused on finishing my game before the competition deadline on Thursday night. Next weekend will be extremely quiet – it’s been a very busy month and Geth and I will both be glad to collapse on the sofa with videogames, I think!
There’ll be a bit of dashing about in July as well (summer gonna summer) but on the whole it looks like things will be slightly quieter.
Back to Pendle and back up the hill (twice) again!
I was only one second slower than the course PB I set back in April, which feels nice and consistent. Hopefully I’ll be able to smash that at some point if I try really hard!
I had a fairly long-awaited appointment at the hospital this morning. It’s been nearly a year since the eye consultant I was seeing about my uveitis said ‘you know, this HLA-B27 gene you have is probably why you have all these lower back problems as well’ and referred me onwards.
Following a two-hour process of tests, having stuff measured, long discussions with consultants, more tests and a trip to the X-ray department, I have begun the long and experimental process of finding a semi-effective treatment for my ankylosing spondylitis. I officially have ankylosing spondylitis now… I think. Doctors never seem to out-and-out state ‘YOU HAVE X’ these days. But I was given two booklets about it and a prescription for the first of the many treatments that can be tried in the effort to mitigate it, so it looks like they’re fairly certain.
I’ve had this chronic pain for about twelve or thirteen years at this point and having it finally taken seriously is an incredible relief. It might take a while to find something that helps, but at least I’ve got the ball rolling now.
An interlude today! Normally I only focus on classic red K-series British phone boxes (because I’m less interested in the KX-series boxes that came in from the mid-1980s onwards), but I had read about Norway’s equivalent while preparing for my trip last week, and was delighted to come across a Norwegian red phone box when Geth and I were exploring the museum district.
(Coordinates 59°90’43.5″N, 10°68’63.2″E.)
Phone boxes in Norway generally seem to be treated with a bit more care than they are here, and there was an interesting plaque inside this one explaining the history of this series of boxes:
Like many village boxes in the UK, this box is used as a book exchange:
Still a phone inside as well!
An interesting wee example.
I’ve still got quite a bit to do on my game before the deadline next week, but hopefully the transcript-reading will speed up soon. Once you’re a few testers in, they start (mostly) repeating the same already-fixed bugs 🙂
Will try to get out earlier for tomorrow’s run as today’s was a bit hot for me. I like the idea of summer weather but I’m not very well adapted to it!
A nice normal day at home, including properly starting my GNR training! I’m doing three targeted sessions a week in this block, in addition to my rest day streak savers. All the runs on the plan have particular average paces I need to hit, which is a new thing for me – usually I just follow one that says ‘slow’, ‘easy’, ‘tempo’ etc. and go by feel. It went okay today so I’m quite excited about it. I also got back to my full-length strength training session now that I’m back home with all my equipment.
After work I was then able to get a good chunk of game-tweaking done. There’s only nine days until the deadline and I’ve still got a lot of testers’ transcripts to go through, so I’m really glad this week is fairly quiet and I can get on with it.
An even quieter day tomorrow 🙂