Adventures in Coding: A Brief Update

Since I finished making my last game in November, I have been doing zero game creation, but that’s because I’ve been really busy learning all about software development on the TechUP course. We’re now into the final stages and are starting work on a group project, which is fairly challenging as it’s a bit ‘in at the deep end’, but hopefully we’ll have a good output at the end of it. I’ve got lots of modules to catch up with at the same time, so it’s going to be a bit manic from now until mid-February!

Post-TechUP I have lots and lots of plans though. In addition to getting back to my regularly scheduled game creation, I will be continuing my Python learning in a more hobbyist fashion, as Geth got me lots of Python game coding books for Christmas and I got some great Python manuals from Mum and Dad as well (mostly Dad… I think Mum may have done the wrapping). I also want to learn a bit of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as I have plans to make some fairly complex websites over the summer – one will be a client-facing website for my business (one of the two key ambitions I had for utilising what I’ve learnt on the course*), while the other will be a fun interactive map for my phone box photo collection.

Lots to look forward to, but I need to knuckle down and finish the course first. It can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes but I have learnt a lot.

*The other ambition is to change careers into something more tech-focused. Eventually!