Another day that’s been a little too busy for a review post. I do have a good reason though.
I bought a car today!
After months (years, really) of dithering about it and feeling like the whole thing was far too complicated, I made the most of Geth’s family visiting and went to the dealership to do some test drives. Due to some help from my father-in-law, I am now the owner of a nice little Skoda that will carry me, Geth and our increasing amounts of luggage when we want to go places! I’m picking it up tomorrow and am very excited about welcoming it home.
Following some sterling work on our garden (as well as the help with the car-buying), Keith and Helen headed off this evening after we’d had a nice meal in the local pub.
Another hectic day tomorrow, but it’s mostly the fun kind of hectic!

Today’s earworm playlist:
The Midnight – Lost Boy
Robert Parker and Miss K – ’85 Again
The Midnight – Kick Drums And Red Wine
The Midnight – Gloria
Gunship – When You Grow Up Your Heart Dies
Gary Numan – Cars
The Midnight – Crystalline
Duran Duran – The Chauffeur
Prefab Sprout – Cars And Girls