Back to work all day today, followed by a fairly pointless walk to Asda and back in the rain. I’m trying to sort out a client’s payment at Asda Money, and this evening, despite being supposed to be open all day from 9am till 8pm, they had a cheerful ‘just popped out for a minute – be back at 7.45pm!’ sign on the counter. It was 6.10pm. I wasn’t going to hang around for an hour and a half, so I will have to try again tomorrow, which will be my third time trudging to Asda for this thing (the first time I went, there was a non-Asda-related problem with the process).
This is one of the many reasons that I will soon be formally updating my business policies, so that I’m not wasting time doing things like this!
Anyway, other than that, I’m having a fairly relaxed evening. Geth is out at a boardgame night, so I’ve got the Now! ’80s channel and my Kindle to keep me occupied.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Jermaine Stewart – We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off
Simon & Garfunkel – Cecilia
Abba – Lay All Your Love On Me
Abba – Head Over Heels
Tears For Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Brother Beyond – The Harder I Try
And a bonus track that Geth was humming earlier:
Baltimora – Tarzan Boy