This one was a bit of an accidental cider. Yes, I know. My life’s just like that.
Basically, during the intermission at the Kim Wilde gig on Monday, Geth went to the bar to get us another round. He asked for an Old Mout Kiwi and Lime (already logged), which is the variety I usually drink, but when he brought it back to me in the venue, I discovered that it was instead an Old Mout Passionfruit and Apple:
Oh well, means another cider to log!
Passionfruit and Apple is similar to Kiwi and Lime in that it’s just the right sweetness for a fruit cider in my book – not cloying like Kopparberg or Rekorderlig, but sweet enough that I can down it if I have to. The flavours are lovely together, and I’d drink this variety a lot more often if I didn’t like Kiwi and Lime so much!