Day 43 takes us to 19th July 1999 with the Now! compilations.

On with the summer hits!
Track 1: Martine McCutcheon – Perfect Moment
Found it slow, dull and irritating at the time, and guess what? I still do now. I quite like Martine McCutcheon as an actor and presenter, but I’m not keen on her music.
Track 2: Boyzone – You Needed Me
So slow and saccharine it’s depressing. Really dislike this one.
Track 3: Backstreet Boys – I Want It That Way
Loved it at the time and bought the single. It’s a bit cheesy for me nowadays, but I still quite like the tune.
Track 4: Shanks & Bigfoot – Sweet Like Chocolate
‘Not on Spotify’ Type 2: YouTube Pause (TM).
Annoyed by the tune then, annoyed by the tune now. Quite like the video though.
Track 5: S Club 7 – Bring It All Back
Highly irritating tune. I was never much of an S Club fan.
Track 6: Vengaboys – Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
Another daft theme from the Vengaboys. Great tune though.
Track 7: ATB – 9PM (Till I Come)
I remember having a discussion on the way home from school with my mate Laura about this track. She found it irritating because the vocal sample was ‘till I come‘ but the word ‘9PM’ was never spoken. I suggested that maybe the instrumental hook was meant to represent ‘9PM’, and so for a brief while we had an in-joke of singing the tune to this track in lieu of saying ‘9PM’. I guess it must have amused us at the time.
Despite all that, the tune’s not much to write home about, and I find the whole thing pretty dull nowadays.
Track 8: Phats & Small – Turn Around
Oh, it’s this one! I’ve always quite liked this feelgood track – it’s very danceable.
Track 9: Basement Jaxx – Red Alert
Really like that hook, but could do without the messy stop-start intro.
Track 10: Dina Carroll – Without Love
Generic dance beat, boring tune, headache-inducing overblown vocals on the chorus. Not my cup of tea.
Track 11: Geri Halliwell – Look At Me
Geri Halliwell’s post-Spice Girls solo debut. It’s alright (the video‘s better than the song) but she did much more interesting tracks later on.
Track 12: Adam Rickitt – I Breathe Again
‘Not on Spotify’ Type 2: YouTube Pause (TM).
It’s another one that reminds me of my mate Laura, as she had a lot of posters of Adam Rickitt. I actually quite like the song – there’s a nice classic pop aspect to it.
Track 13: Lolly – Viva La Radio
Appalling, painfully high-pitched song with irritating lyrics, irritating verses, messy squeaky instrumentals, and infuriating spoken interjections. Surprisingly, the tune on the chorus is actually okay. If someone sampled that it might be quite good.
Track 14: Cartoons – Doodah
Daft dance version of the traditional children’s song. There’s actually something I find quite endearing about it.
Track 15: Precious – Say It Again
This is one of those late ’90s tracks that sounds more like it came from the early ’90s. It’s got a nice beat, but the tune’s pretty dull.
Track 16: Honeyz – Love Of A Lifetime
Pretty instrumentals, but the vocal line is very generic.
Track 17: 911 – Private Number
Cheesy, slow cover of the ’60s hit. Not hugely keen on this.
Track 18: Culture Club – Your Kisses Are Charity
Another reggae-tinged song from Culture Club’s late ’90s era. Nice tune, quite like it.
Track 19: Beverley Knight – Greatest Day
Not feeling this one – the tune is too messy for me.
Track 20: Melanie B – Word Up
Upbeat cover of the Cameo classic. It doesn’t live up to the original, but I like the added harmonisation on the vocals.
Track 21: Fierce – Dayz Like That
The atmosphere’s okay, but on the whole it’s pretty bland and tuneless.
Track 22: Tina Cousins – Forever
Lovely tune on the vocals (when they’re not so high in the mix that they make my hearing aids squawk with feedback), but the backing track’s very generic.
Track 23: Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
‘Not on Spotify’ Type 2: YouTube Pause (TM).
And it’s yet another one that reminds me of my mate Laura, due to many hours in art class with her telling me how this song sounded like God speaking. I’ve never thought it sounded like God, but I do like the spoken word monologue throughout the track.
Track 24: Texas – In Our Lifetime
Pleasant tune, but nothing special.
Track 25: New Radicals – You Get What You Give
Great singalong chorus, but I find the tune a bit repetitive.
Track 26: Supergrass – Pumping On Your Stereo
I’m normally not keen on Supergrass, but I do like this one – great vocal hook, and a bit of a ’60s throwback sound, which is no bad thing.
Track 27: Madness – Lovestruck
A welcome return to the charts for the recently-reformed Madness, with a song that’s just as jaunty as their stuff the early ’80s, with a bit of added edgy atmosphere. Great track, really like this one.
Track 28: The Wiseguys – Ooh La La
Oh, it’s this one. It’s okay, but there’s a good reason I hadn’t thought about it for many years – there’s just no melody, and the interesting spoken word hook isn’t enough to make up for that.
Track 29: The Chemical Brothers – Hey Boy Hey Girl
It’s too repetitive for me, but I do like the ‘superstar DJ‘ vocal sample.
Track 30: Fatboy Slim – Right Here, Right Now
Loved it at the time, bought the single. Still really like it now – great tune, anthemic hook.
Track 31: Chicane and Maire Brennan – Saltwater
Lovely vocals from Maire Brennan (including a bit of a reprise from Theme From Harry’s Game), contributing to a great dance track.
Track 32: Bryan Adams – Cloud Number Nine
I remember this being reviewed on the Live & Kicking episode where Zoë Ball and Jamie Theakston were leaving the show, and them being disappointed that it hadn’t come out a few years earlier so they could have used it as the theme tune for their ‘Cloud Nine’ feature. Strange what you remember.
Anyway, I quite like the track – more than I did at the time, anyway.
Track 33: Blur – Coffee And TV
Great tune, awesome singalong chorus. Everybody raves about the video, but I refuse to watch it ’cause it makes me sad.
Track 34: Cast – Beat Mama
‘Not on Spotify’ Type 2: YouTube Pause (TM).
Better than most Cast tracks – at least it’s got a good upbeat tempo and chant-along chorus, even if the tune’s a bit uninspired.
Track 35: Stereophonics – Pick A Part That’s New
It’s another Stereophonics track where I find the vocals too droning and depressing. I’m sure they did do better ones.
Track 36: Gomez – Bring It On
Interesting harmonisation on the intro, but after that it gets a bit messy for my liking.
Track 37: Semisonic – Secret Smile
Nice tune, nice atmosphere, great lyrics. Really quite like this one.
Track 38: James – I Know What I’m Here For
Pleasant tune, great instrumentals. Nice track.
Track 39: Yomanda – Synth And Strings
I guess it does what it says on the tin, but it’s not the nice melodious track you might expect from a name like that – it sounds quite nasty, to be honest.
Track 40: DJ Jurgen and Alice Deejay – Better Off Alone
Utterly depressing repetitive vocal hook – never been keen on this.
Track 41: Masters At Work and India – To Be In Love
There’s quite a nice ’70s vibe to this one, but I’m not loving the tune.