No review post today as I’m having a rare lazy Sunday!
I did my long run first thing this morning (meaning that for my pre-2015 self, today would not remotely have counted as a lazy Sunday, but in the midst of marathon training and with the treadmill it feels like a fairly automatic Sunday thing at the moment!). I then spent the afternoon reading.
Some catchup TV this evening to round off the day. Geth and I have been enjoying the BBC’s Back In Time For School, and we’ve just got to the episode about the ’90s – which is obviously a bit weird for us seeing as that’s when we were at school and it’s now being treated as something ‘historical’!
Back to work tomorrow.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Duran Duran – New Moon On Monday
Vengaboys – Boom Boom Boom Boom
U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday