A slightly out-of-pattern day today. First of all, I was up at six, which is extremely rare for me – I’m (a) a self-employed person who sets her own hours and (b) not a morning person. However, Geth had an early hospital appointment for a sleep-deprived EEG, meaning he’d had to stay awake all night, and so I was up and about early so that I could drive him to the hospital and back.
This meant that I didn’t go for my run until we got back…
…although the hospital appointment had been so early that I still managed to get out for the run about half an hour earlier than I did yesterday!
I’ve spent the rest of the day doing day job work and a bit of coding for a fun side project game. The plan is for the same again tomorrow… and then the new Paper Mario game will be showing up in the post, which is my weekend sorted 🙂
I’ve also got a hairdresser appointment tomorrow morning, for the first time since Christmas. It’ll all be very masked and sterile, but I’m so looking forward to having my lockdown hair sorted out!

Today’s earworm playlist:
Jennifer Lopez – ‘Louboutins’
Nobuo Uematsu – ‘Temple Of Chaos’
The Beatles – ‘Drive My Car’
Beach Boys – ‘Sloop John B’