Census day

The early 2020s are the first time, as I understand it, that the Scotland census has taken place on a different day to the rest of the UK. The England / Wales / Northern Ireland censuses (censii?) took place in early 2021 as scheduled. The Scottish authorities decided the situation with COVID would make it too difficult to carry out the census in 2021, and postponed it to 2022.

What do you do in this situation if you’re a census fan? You make sure you appear in BOTH, of course!

Geth and I were at home in Newcastle for the English census last year. Today, we are visiting Mum and Dad in Edinburgh so that we can be in the Scottish census. Additional bonus: this means that I am yet to miss a Scottish census in my lifetime!

(And in quick non-census news: I took part in a podcast on Friday evening, talking with fellow Adventuroners about game design and the upcoming jam next month. It’s currently listenable here until 17th April – I’ll update with a more permanent link once it’s up.)