
I feel like I’ve barrelled through most of my thirties at a rate of knots – forty is definitely very much visible on the horizon – but so far it’s been a much better decade than my twenties and I’m feeling really positive about this age. As I get older I realise more and more that what is expected of me should not be the focus, and that life should be lived in the way that I feel is most right for me.

A lovely quiet birthday today with the usual cards and presents under the tree, birthday cheesecake made by Dad, and time to myself to relax.

Birthday cheesecake

A carefully guarded quiet weekend!

No parkrun this morning (all our nearby ones were cancelled due to ice) so I was able to get a head start on the quiet weekend I’ve been planning for weeks. It’s been manic recently with stuff going on every weekend and I really wanted this one to be the calm before the Christmas storm. As such, I’ve worked extra hard this week to get all the Christmas prep finished as I did not want it to be taking up time today and tomorrow! Geth and I will be videogaming instead and occasionally hopping on the treadmill.

Marathon training plan starts on Monday. It doesn’t look like the weather will be warming up any time soon, so I’d probably better get used to the treadmill for a while!

Half-asleep Sunday

A great day out yesterday at the TechUP conference – it was really nice to attend an event and meet people in person for the first time. It was a pretty full-on day, and then I did two short treadmill runs late at night (one either side of midnight to keep my streak going), so I’m having a very chilled Sunday today! Gradually catching up with Strictly and various other things from the sofa.

The slow middle of the day

I was up early this morning to drop the car off for its annual service. I’ll be picking it up later (or tomorrow if they decide it needs extra work!) but in the meantime I’m taking the day off in order to get a bit of brain downtime in advance of a busy few days.

So far I’ve spent that time staring into space and looking at pictures of woolly hats on the internet. I think I need to switch to ‘productive downtime’ (reading a book, playing a videogame etc.) before I get depressed.

One week to Hallowe’en

Getting more used to my Monday schedule now and feeling less strange about leaving my run till the evening. I hope that future Mondays will be a bit less distracting though! Between the political events and the wait for the London Marathon ballot, there are a lot of excuses to drift off and check email / social media / etc.

All of these things are also distracting me from Hallowe’en (my favourite celebration of the year) in a week’s time, so I will try and ignore them as much as possible. Work is quieter this week (so far!) so the plan is to get on with my Hallowe’en game and enjoy some spooky music, TV and films.

Sofa day (as usual)

Early start today as our mortgage meeting was brought forward, so I’ve got a good chunk of time for the rest of the day to get on with work and admin. The to-do list is a bit lengthy this week so hopefully I’ll get that hacked down today!

Quiet evening incoming. Geth is poorly and needs to doze, and I’m fairly tired having not slept well. I sometimes feel like we’ve become a bit elderly in outlook (going out? what’s that?) but in all honesty I’m much happier this way.

Running but otherwise zzzzz

Quiet weekend has almost landed. It’s pretty wet here this afternoon and I’ll be glad to be inside all weekend (running excepted!).

I went out with the social run group this morning – a nice steady run with just three of us. The rain held off till nearly the end! Planning to join the group again later in the weekend if it’s not too wet / I’m not too lazy 🙂