Phone Box Thursday: Yours For A Quid (Or More)

No phone box to log this week, but there have been a few in the news this year.

BT is making more boxes available for the Adopt-A-Kiosk community scheme. I hadn’t realised that communities that want to turn their phone box into a mini library, art gallery or (my personal favourite) defibrillator box only need to pay £1. Hope to see more of these converted boxes, as this is really where phone boxes’ functional future lies.

In Lincoln, meanwhile, this one will cost you £6,000!

And these ones in London are an eye-watering £45,000… but you can’t move or alter them because as K2 boxes they are listed buildings (thankfully). An interesting comment at the bottom of the article from the secretary of the Community Heartbeat Trust charity (the defibrillator charity), which makes me optimistic for more defibrillator boxes.

Geth won’t let me be one of these people… yet. I’m working on it.

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