Phone Box Thursday: Ty-Gwyn Road, Llandudno

Still no new phone box finds here in 2021 but Dad found me a cracker from the family archives. This is a slide taken in 1965 by Grandad, who used to like taking photos of trams (if you’ve ever wondered where I get all my strange forms of nerdery from, look no further than my immediate Cooke family ancestors). On this happy occasion he happened to capture a phone box as well!

Red phone box
Red phone box, Ty-Gwyn Road, Llandudno, 1965.

(Coordinates 53°32’86.7″N, 3°83’88.2″W.)

Yes, it’s still there! As are the buildings and even the tram lines, though I’m not sure if they’re still in use. The buildings are no longer shops, but still very recognisable.

1960s shop signs always look very cartoony to me (this is probably caused by my general ‘1960s=cartoon’ vibe that I was talking about last week) and make me think they’re on a film or TV set, as 1960s productions always have signs that look like that. I don’t know why I find it hard to believe they looked like that in real life too!

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