Also file under ‘things I found while sorting out the house’. I’ve had this plastic notepad case (complete with half a notepad still inside) since early childhood, and every time I go back to Shetland (which isn’t often these days) I try and fail to find where the shop was based on my hazy childhood memories.

The design looks early ’80s to me (it has that trailing ’70s colour scheme of brown and cream) so it’s possible that either (a) my mum picked it up a couple of years before I was born and gave it to me when I was little, or (b) the shop was still using an old design when I was visiting a lot in the late ’80s.

Apologies for the ‘soft focus’. My phone lens had some gunk on it that I’ve cleaned off now.
Today’s earworm playlist:
Julian Nott – ‘Wallace And Gromit Theme’