I spent most of today in the walk-in eye clinic at the hospital. My eye issue is not an eye infection. It’s uveitis, which is going to take a seven-week course of eye drops to clear up. I am not a happy bunny. I am hoping, however, that my eye will at least respond to the drops fast enough that it won’t be uncomfortable during the race on Sunday. Mum has had the same thing in chronic form for years, and she assures me that the treatment always works quickly, so fingers crossed.
The next couple of days are just quiet preparation. And eating a lot of pasta, which has already started. I’m going to miss marathon training eating.
Today’s earworm playlist:
John Lennon – Woman
Duran Duran – New Religion
Mark Ronson and Lykke Li – Late Night Feelings
Duran Duran – Come Undone
Sigrid – Don’t Feel Like Crying
Duran Duran – Hold Back The Rain
Squeeze – Up The Junction