I hired a car from the car club again this morning so that Geth and I could collect a crate of beer for UK Games Expo (it’s a good month and a half away yet, but Geth had a Majestic Wines voucher that he wanted to use up) and then take some of our junk that we’d been keeping in the garage to the dump, like real grown-ups do at the weekend. We will be repeating this highly exciting chore next week, because there’s a lot more junk still to get rid of.
We then went to the local pub for lunch, as Geth was meeting some friends for boardgaming. I’ve been avoiding our local since I quit drinking, because I didn’t really want to be around somewhere that had so many cider associations for me. However, today it was okay – they do a nice ginger beer that I will log soon.
I then got some work done for clients that I hadn’t managed to finish during the week. More day job work tomorrow – I’m hoping for a bit of a lull over Easter so I can have a good go at my own writing projects as well.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Pink – Walk Me Home
Duran Duran – Late Bar
Duran Duran – Is There Something I Should Know?
Richard Marx – Right Here Waiting
Alec Benjamin and Alessia Cara – Let Me Down Slowly
Duran Duran – The Reflex
Prefab Sprout – Cars And Girls