The first cider I had in Canada was Somersby. I was actually surprised that I hadn’t already had it this year, because it’s one of my favourites.
The above can is the Canadian version – it looks a little different in the UK.
Somersby, for me, is associated with Resistanz Festival, which Geth and I went to for four years running between 2013 and 2016 (it hasn’t been run since then, but rumours of its return are ever-present). Corporation in Sheffield, which was the venue for the festival, would sell Somersby for £1 per can during Resistanz weekend. £1 per can! I would typically drink about forty cans over the course of the weekend. I couldn’t do that nowadays.
You can see from the 2016 picture (and on the website) that the most recent British can is similar to the Canadian one, but not quite the same.
As for the taste – well, it’s a very artificial taste! It tastes exactly like fizzy apple sweets. This isn’t what I would usually look for in a cider, but I’ve grown to love it. If I see Somersby on draught, that will always be my choice.