Well, I’ve been trying to get round to it for a few days, but today I finally got the bookshelves in place in the bedroom. Or the frames, at least:

These are Ikea Billy bookshelves that we’ve had for well over a decade – Geth adopted them from his PhD supervisor when he was living in his first flat in Edinburgh, circa 2004. As such, they’re made in a slightly different way from modern Billy bookshelves, which was fun when I was trying to remember how to put them together earlier! I’ve not put the shelves or books on yet, because I want to live with the frames for a couple of days and see if there are any issues such as always bumping into bookshelf corners etc., as it’s quite a small bedroom.
Assuming no such issues, I will get it done later this week though. It’ll be nice to have access to some of our books again.