I did threaten promise to start posting my collection of red phone box photos, so here I go!

(Coordinates 50°89’66.4″N, 1°40’43.7″W.)
I took this photo on our last night living in Southampton; we moved away the next day. I do also have one of me, slightly tipsy and posing with the right-hand box like a nutter, but nobody needs to see that. I never go into phone boxes to examine them more closely (they’re usually pretty gross inside nowadays as people only really use them as urinals/bins) but the phones in these ones are at least still intact, even if they probably don’t work anymore. When Geth and I finally paid a flying visit to Southampton last May for the first time since moving away, we walked down High Street to visit the Platform Tavern (one of our favourite pubs in the city) and the phone boxes were still standing – good to see!
Update February 2022: added the coordinate link. It’s good to see that these two were still standing as of September 2020.