2018 Ciders #8: Old Mout Kiwi & Lime

Another cider I had a week ago:

Old Mout Kiwi & Lime
Old Mout Kiwi & Lime.

Old Mout Kiwi & Lime is one of my favourite fruit ciders.  It sort of suddenly appeared in British pubs around the summer of 2014 and has been ubiquitous ever since; for me, it’s my go-to ‘we only have fifteen minutes left in this pub but I want another pint’ drink, as it’s just the right level of sugary-sweet (not cloyingly so like Kopparberg or Rekorderlig) that I can down it like juice.  I like the other Old Mout flavours as well, but Kiwi & Lime is my favourite by a country mile.

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