A much-appreciated Friday

Four more laps today…

…which went really well. Hoping that the last four days of multiple run training go just as swimmingly! Nine days until marathon/challenge day…

Work has been really busy this week so I’m really glad it’s the weekend! I’ve not really had the energy to do much in the evenings the last few days so I’m looking forward to having a couple of afternoons for catching up with stuff around the house (including the last bit of my decor project… I hope!).

Running vlogs over the weekend, will next update properly on Monday.

Autumn leaves
Another ‘autumn leaves’ picture from my walks last weekend. Looking forward to having a bit of a wander this weekend as well 🙂

Today’s earworm playlist:

The Smiths – ‘Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want’
Carter USM – ‘Prince In A Pauper’s Grave’
Queen – ‘One Vision’

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