Just a mile this morning…
…because I’m having a mostly-rest day. No extra RingFit sessions or long walks or yoga workouts today – I’ve got some tough runs to do over the weekend and so I need to save some energy.
I’ve been catching up with admin and working on my adventure game instead. Some of my COVID-necessary event and holiday refunds are starting to come through now, and there’s some movement on others, so the ongoing stress relating to all of that is easing slightly.
I’ve not been spending as much time playing actual videogames this week, for various reasons. One of these is that I’ve got the game creation bug again and have been back working on my latest game. I’m hoping to get the bulk of the work on it finished this weekend so that I can get it all together and start doing some playtesting next week.
Up early(ish) for the parkrun quiz tomorrow, and then hopefully a nice fast pace run so that I can get back to coding and making graphics!

Today’s earworm playlist:
The Proclaimers – ‘Misty Blue’
Ollie Wride – ‘Back To Life’
Elton John – ‘I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues’
RingFit Adventure – ‘Battle Theme’
Rod Stewart – ‘Baby Jane’