A slightly backwards Monday

Because I went to the Social Run Group again today, I didn’t do my run until the evening…

…which meant that my day was a bit backwards and I was at a bit of a loose end this morning without my usual run! Geth and I were up fairly early as our new dishwasher was delivered first thing. It’s our first dishwasher and is going to make life a lot easier in the house, especially in the autumn (washing the dishes is Geth’s domain, but during busy work periods he often finds that he doesn’t have enough time to do it).

I then spent the day getting a bit of admin and day job work done (and some work done on my very last-minute entry into this month’s game jam!) before heading out to the run. It’s been nice to have a quiet evening since then!

Bosch dishwasher
I know this is a super boring photo but I am SO HAPPY that the dishwasher has arrived 😀

Today’s earworm playlist:

Justin Bieber – ‘Sorry’
Justin Bieber – ‘Love Yourself’*
FM-84 and Ollie Wride – ‘Wild Ones’**

*Yup, brain is still insisting on Bieber circa 2015, all day every day.
**I like most synthwave but I’m not keen on this song either.

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