It’s been a pretty busy day (and this will continue for the next several days until…um…Christmas, maybe? The non-stop time of year has started!).
I did Jesmond Dene parkrun again this morning and took more than three minutes off my time from a fortnight ago – knowing the course makes a huge difference! I then spent a bit of time sorting out the house this afternoon as Geth and I are hosting a Hallowe’en boardgaming session tomorrow, and since then have been working on an article I’m writing for a website.
I’ll be mostly boardgaming tomorrow, but will also be squeezing in a bit of time for working on my text adventure game!
I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful for the extra hour you get from the clocks going back…

Today’s earworm playlist:
Michael Land – Lucre Island Lawyers
Marc Almond and Gene Pitney – Something’s Gotten Hold Of My Heart
Ultravox – Hymn
Duran Duran – Secret Oktober
Duran Duran – 911 Is A Joke