This is the first of a nice run of quiet weekends leading up to the London Marathon! Geth and I have been away a lot recently so I’m really happy to be able to spend the next few weeks at home, getting on with the final and most intense stage of my marathon training and ticking off the things on my writing to-do list.
Due to the snow (and latterly Geth’s decision to go to a gaming tournament this morning), we didn’t go to parkrun today. Instead, I did my weekend long run, and it didn’t go that well. Due to a few setbacks, I wasn’t able to run for as long as I’d planned. However, I’ve got enough wiggle room in my training that I can swap weeks around, so I’ve decided to count this last week as a ‘rest week’ and try the same distance again next weekend. This means I’m still on schedule to do my longest long run on the correct weekend. Also, on the plus side, yesterday’s broken glasses have held together with the superglue, and so I was able to see while running!
I’ve spent the rest of the day relaxing with my 3DS! It’s been really nice to get a bit of videogaming done again.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Pulp – Sorted For Es And Wizz
Squeeze – Up The Junction
Chic – Le Freak
Diana Ross – I’m Coming Out
The Human League – The Things That Dreams Are Made Of