As I mentioned on Sunday, Geth and I found a new favourite Leeds restaurant when we were in town for the Tears For Fears gig on Saturday night. Livin’ Italy Dough House specialises in pizza and cocktails. While my cocktail days are obviously over, I was super excited about the pizza!
However, a spanner was thrown in the works when we had bruschetta for starter. The Livin’ Italy bruschetta is the greatest, most incredible bruschetta I have ever had, and so anything less than a truly special pizza would have paled in comparison. Unfortunately, the pizza that followed was not quite special enough.

Don’t get me wrong. It was really well-made pizza – the kitchen took absolutely ages making the food, which is a sign of a good restaurant (but unfortunately a little anxiety-inducing when you’ve got a show to get to!), and it’s probably the closest thing I’ve found in the UK to actual Italian restaurant pizza, and it did taste really nice – but the base was a little bit dry and crispy for my taste, and they were a bit stingy with the toppings.
I’ll still have a slice next time I’m there, but I’ll be topping and tailing it with bruschetta and gelato (we didn’t have time for gelato on this occasion, and I’m desperate to try it ’cause it looks really good!).