I was able to do another chunk of house stuff today, which involved a lot of emptying boxes, putting away our excessive spare hanger collection (something I may rethink keeping once I’ve finalised the wardrobes), and as a result clearing a lot of floor space in the dressing room. It was nice to see floor that we’ve not seen for months, although of course I’ll soon be covering it again through Tetrising when I finally unpack the study (starting Friday if work stays quiet!).
I also caught up on a month’s worth of blog reading and a couple of radio chart shows. Nice productive evening.

Today’s earworm playlist:
Duran Duran – Hold Back The Rain
LSD – Thunderclouds
Steve Earle – Galway Girl
Nik Kershaw – I Won’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Ashford & Simpson – Solid
And a bonus track that Geth was humming earlier:
Korobeiniki (the Tetris theme music)